Saturday, September 26, 2009

Breastfeeding And Baby 9 Months Started Period

Links Within

Here is a new easy to insert and pretty much offered to us by the web, to improve our blog ... You know those little
lists of related items in the post, you now see in so many blogs?
It is .... you got it ... those with the words: "I WOULD BE also be interested in. ..."
Well I have to find them brainless ... but finally I did it.
all know by now that they are not a computer engineer ... indeed quite the opposite ... but few are as stubborn and if I put myself in the head but what I can do it sooner or later ... so every time I make a small discovery in the world of bloggers, I like to share it with you ... I hope you can be useful.

But back to Link Within ... The pro
of this gadget are intuitive. Within
Link allows us to to show more topics in our blog by means of simple small icons that show thumbnails of other related posts. This feeds the curiosity of our readers, and very often visits ... In fact, in this way also makes it easier to navigate. Another advantage is that
Links Within and also is absolutely free and easy to install. In fact, there is no boring required site registration or entry in our blog of annoying and unsightly advertising ... the only thing that appears to be a small link to a site beneath the windows of related topics ...
Link Within The style is also very nice and I think it to enrich our blog ...
Among against however, there is only that related topics are chosen automatically by Link Within, therefore not always related topics are really similar to the bed post ...
but if you should install it or not is up to you ...
Let us therefore, as to do ...
is quiet simple ... you'll need only your email and the address of your blog. Within
Link also requires the platform you use for your blog (Blogger, Wordpress, TypePad and others) and color (light or dark) of the widget appears.
To install click on the link next and fill in the right section with the email address of the blog, etc. ..
The website as you see, is in English but do not worry ... the labels will appear in our blog Italian.
once completed click on "Get Widget."
doing so, you will open a new window. Go to Step 1 and click on "Install Widget".
Drag the widget where you want, usually the optimum position is under the post ... Saved ...
et voila you're done ...
If there is any problem please contact me .. I will try to help you with pleasure ...


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