Monday, September 14, 2009

Ladies Waxing Cardiff

weekend ...

Ciao a tutte...
oggi vi scrivo per raccontarvi il week-end...
Dopo 5 giorni che non vedevo il mio ragazzo (era partito per un viaggio di lavoro), venerdì sera impaziente di riabbracciarlo sono andata a prenderlo con il padre all'aereoporto...
Non capisco come sia possibile, ma ancora dopo 3 anni e mezzo che stiamo insieme, se stiamo più di un giorno lontani l'uno dall'altra, ci sentiamo choke ... and think that being with him before I was completely the opposite ... I loved my independence and I often liked to be alone ... but what I have done? macumba a maybe?
Well I do not know what happened to me ... but I'm just happy that it happened ... and just between us girls ... I can not wait to marry him .... you say I am crazy? or is it just l'amour?
Anyway back to us ... Saturday brought me around the shops ... had been established that would make me a present ... because he was on ... hihi ... now every excuse to give me a little gift ... because he knows how happy I am when I receive them ... but do not want him to spend too much for me ...
Anyway what do you think I got to give? but certainly something for my wonderful hobbies ... The photo shows my little booty ...
Of course I gave him all ... I do not want to go bankrupt ... ;) ..
But after a week of study, even though I had some gift concerdermi not? The spoils
contains ... 3 fabrics bought from Ikea that I can not wait to use ... dressmaker scissors and a box with everything needed (pins, tape measure, needles, wires, etc.) ... a strap for easy rim (which I can not wait to try) ... two magazines for the country painting ... two wooden supports to make the angels for Christmas, and a small cottage for the birds ... we wanted to buy it for our Christmas tree ... also Last year we bought some decorations and every year we are doing so ... waiting for you to have a tree to decorate our own ...
Maybe someone will look stupid or premturo ... others think it might bring bad luck ... I will, I just think it's a joy to share our dreams together day after day ... thinking and look forward to the fateful day when we can finally be together ...
I wanted to share ... a piece of my life ... I hope you have enjoyed ... A big kiss to all


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