Thursday, January 28, 2010

Are There Worms In Yogurt ?

TILDA - Picture Library free

Come promesso finalmente riesco a mettere online anche le immagini Tilda...
Scusate to listen but these days are a top ...
This collection is for all the fans like me ... tildose I hope you like them and I hope that through this post will know many other fans ... then let me recommend tanticommenti, I want to know other fans .... Silvia
a kiss to all ....

click on the link #

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Diffusion/osmosis Lab Manual

Still Stitchery Patterns Stitchery Patterns

Hi girls, I wanted to point out a wonderful site full of patterns for stitchery ...
I could not put them in my store, you posted for a few days ago, because the files are in pdf format ... so remedy now ...

addition to this website, I wanted to tell you also the site of DMC, where you can find pictures that explain how to do some of the points most used in the embroidery and stitchery ...

all for today girls ... I remind you that the next post, I'll post the link for pictures of Tilda a kiss to all ...


Monday, January 18, 2010

Eukaryotic Organisms That Cause Meningitis

Hello girls ... how are you? I
a little 'affected but the rest all ok ...
How about talking a bit 'of Stitchery?

I've never tried to embroider, but lately in the blogs I follow, I found some lovely little things and I fell in love, so I decided to try ...
itself should not be very difficult and I'd love to try out something, but I know very little ... So I need you ...

This time, in fact, I can not play my trump card, that is my grandma, because I would give her a surprise ... it is usually she who taught me everything ... You have to do with those
golden hands still can do what, at the age of 79 years ... no longer seen as before, but when I start a job, does not raise his head until it is finished ... is too beautiful ... and I really want a world of good ...

So since about a month will come again to live with us (since he is widowed, lives six months with my family and the other 6, with my mother's sister), I thought of them find a small bearing, embroidered by me, what do you think?
She is very happy with my little work (although I'm still a superdilettante), when to teach me something's eyes sparkle and thanks to you soon, I have a sewing machine all mine .. then how do you not adore this woman?

order not to disappoint though, I need your help ... who knows the basic points, or can indicate tutorials, sites or your explanations, helpful intent could be kind enough to leave me a post?
Time is short, but I know that unity is strength ... so do not let me down I recommend ...

Also, given the extensive research carried out on the web these days for the pattern, I decided to make available my archive ... just click on the link and send you to my picasa album ... Who does not know picasa ... write and I will be happy to give some explanations on this wonderful application ...

(Cliccate su stitchery pattern)

un bacione a tutte....

P.S nel prossimo post, renderò disponibile anche un archivio di immagini di Tilda oltre ai pattern già inseriti oggi per lo stitchery...


Thursday, January 14, 2010

Laughlin English Garden

Some ideas found in the web ...

Salve ragazze, in questi giorni la mia creatività fa scintille... sono sempre alla ricerca di nuove idee che stimolino la mia fantasia... avendo trovato numerosi tutorial nel web davvero carini, ve ne segnalo qualcuno sperando che vi possano tornare useful ...

In Studio Calico blog, there are interesting numerossisimi tutorial but those who have aroused my curiosity are these ...

Look what a beautiful card ... can be done with many other forms ... nice to think that a heart for Valentine's Day ...

to see the tutorial click on the link:

The other tutorial is more practical and especially useful to save a bit 'in the scrap .... Written
at no cost for our tickets ...

is the link:

Fatemi sapere se vi sono piaciuti... alla prossima...
un bacione a tutte

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stacker Truck Licenses

An idea for Valentine's Day but not only ....

Salve ragazze..
Visto che San Valentino si avvicina, ho pensato di proporvi un’idea facile facile, da creare per il vostro lui… Io ogni anno, cerco di creare qualcosa di speciale per il mio ragazzo, che gli faccia sentire quanto lo amo, mi sento fortunata ad avere una persona accanto come lui, così cerco sempre di dimostrargli il mio amore anche attraverso le mie piccole creazioni… e stavolta ho pensato che questa idea potesse tornare utile anche
to you ... The idea came from a teddy bear bought some time ago ... he was all alone on the shelf so I could not resist and gave vent to my creativity ... the rest I could not leave it, no? I just had to customize it a bit '...
Here is what came out ...

The realization is simple. Precisely for this can be achieved even by beginners like me ... or it may be a last minute gift for a child or a friend ... of course, changing the writing on the little heart ... Let
- A cute and cuddly teddy bear as Like us
- Red cloth or a color of our choice for the heart (for example I've used a shirt almost new but not used for years when you can recycle more ...)
- red ribbon to attach the tags to our bear
- Scissors, needles, threads, needles and everything you need to sew
- silver acrylic paint
- cardboard (maybe the one behind the sketchbook)
- spike or knife to do the little hole on the tag
- Medium fabric
Ok we are ready?
begin ... First of all we must create our own pattern for the little heart. Below is what I used .. I but anything else is fine ...

To set the right size of the heart, take measures sull'orsetto (width, height) where you're going to position the heart to adjust its size Bear with that.
Now open a Word file, copy and paste the image of the pattern and click on the right. We will open a window from which you can set the size of the heart accurately, of course going to "size". Now
I advise you to follow in the heart with carbon paper on the cardboard, in order to obtain a pattern more rigid and easy to handle, for example ... I always keep all the patterns I create in order to avoid having to redo each time ...

Once you cut the pattern, cut two squares of cloth of the same dimesion. There are no standard sizes, everything depends on the size of your heart then, the square will be large enough to contain it.
Place one above the other two squares right sides together and fissiamoli along the sides to hold them together with pins. Now, place the pattern in the center of the square and tracciatene boundaries. For those who did not have a dressmaker's chalk or similar gear, not Just worry about even a simple bic pen, but have the foresight to trace the outline is not treading much ... the fabric is stain, but since we're going to do the stitching on precisely those edges, once you have finished your heart will not see anything ...

Now for the most delicate stage and where it takes a little 'more precision ... the realization of the writing.
First thing to do is remove all the pins on the sides and take only the square on which we have traced the outline of the heart. We have all the pins around the heart, so you also get an edge on the side of the cloth Approximate little heart.



Now that side of the cloth have the contours of the heart (of course more pins used and the outline will be more accurate), so you can go to written. You can proceed in various ways, but I explain how I just did it myself:
- I wrote up a word file, "I love you" with a character that seemed appropriate;
- I played with the same inscription on the obverse side of the pen fabric, helping looking at the writing on the PC. Always remember a little lime if you use light colors or you may see the pen below.
- I prepared the color of peanut putting two silver and one medium to the tissues;
- I painted with very thin brush the inscription on the pen, making sure to cover well the ink residue.
- I removed the pins
is the result:

You will need to dry it for at least a day, so will stick well to the cloth. After that ironed on the reverse of what it takes to fix it even better. Now we are ready to sew.
Reposition the two squares of fabric right sides together and sew con un punto resistente, su tutto il bordo del cuore (anche a mano), lasciando solo due o tre cm di apertura. Più sarete precise nel cucire i bordi e più il cuore sarà perfetto. Per tenere la stoffa ferma vi potete aiutare ancora una volta, con gli spilli o una veloce imbastitura.
Dopo aver finito dall’apertura lasciata, rivoltate il cuore al dritto e con l’aiuto del retro di una penna o di un pennello spingete bene infuori tutte le rotondità del cuore e gli angolini… non vi rimane che imbottire bene (io di solito uso l’imbottitura di vecchi peluche, soprattutto quelli che a pasqua si trovano negli uovi) e chiudere l’apertura con piccoli punti nascosti. Ed ecco qui cosa ne viene fuori…

We can do is sew the heart to the hands or the bear's belly as you like ... ...

Finally, the tag ... I thought it was cute
attack on 'bear a ribbon with a tag with a messaggino for my boy ... Those familiar with Photoshop can create one of his own, the other I have placed what I did ...

Click on the second picture with the key destro e copiatela… la scritta “Tua… “potrete inserirla a mano o anche con il semplice Paint di Windows….
Stampate due volte con risoluzione alta, io metto sempre “foto migliore” il tag.
Ritagliatelo e prendete il cartoncino. Spalmate sul cartoncino un velo di colla vinavil (mi raccomando non troppa altrimenti potrebbero crearsi delle antiestetiche bollicine) e appoggiatevi subito sopra una delle immagini del tag già ritagliato.
Lisciate per bene in modo da far aderire bene il tag stampato al cartoncino e lasciate asciugare. Tagliate lungo i bordi del tag il cartoncino e poi procedete ad incollare la seconda stampa, sull’altro lato.
Ecco qui anche il tag è pronto… non resta all'orsetto attack or if you prefer that the parcel.

I hope to be helpful ... my boyfriend thought so pampered and loved it ... See you soon


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Air Force Pararescue Vs Navy Seals?

gonna be aunt ... What belloooooooooo! A

Hi girls ...
after a long period of absence, I finally found 5 minutes for my little blog ...
First albeit a bit 'late, I wish you a wonderful 2010. I really hope that there are in serbo per voi tante belle sorprese... con me il 2010 è già stato generosissimo, infatti vi scrivo per rendervi partecipi della mia gioia... a Giugno diventerò zia!!!
E indovinate un po' ? é una bella femminuccia... non vedo l'ora di coccolarmela e sbaciucchiarla un po'....
Sono davvero felicissima e in questo periodo la mia fantasia galoppa a più non posso... vorrei creare per la piccolina tantissime cose, ma non so da dove iniziare...
Qui entrate in gioco voi ragazze... ho proprio bisogno del vostro aiuto e della vostra esperienza...
che cosa mi consigliate?
Conoscete qualche tutorial che mi possa tornare utile? ricordatevi che non sono un'esperta ancora... but my interests range from countrypainting in creative sewing, to scrap everything and could be called handmade ....
Among the things I have in mind to do (even though I have no idea how to do them), there is an album made in scrap or similar, with ultrasound scans and other pictures I'm doing pretty during pregnancy, for give it to my sister when they give birth. Then my sister asked me to come up with something nice for wedding favors and embellishing of baptism. Also I'd love to create a cuddly doll, to be near my little girl ... needs to know right away because he loves his auntie ...
I hope you will help me and send me different ideas ....
I really need you
a kiss with love