Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Holi Invitation Letter To A Friend

beneficienza: il dono dei giorni “persi”

last April, I embarcata in a very interesting, that the donation of absorbent washable girls and women in developing countries. without free access to this type of product, women from these areas are forced to use the bark of trees or leaves or newspapers to absorb the menstrual blood, or even enter the clay into the vagina to block the flow of blood. there is no need to say that these materials not only are not sufficient to manage menstruation, but often cause infections. not to mention the fact that often becomes difficult for them to attend school o lavorare per diversi giorni ogni mese e può diventare una esperienza umiliante.

mi sembra una situazione davvero triste, ma per fortuna non è difficile aiutare. quindi ho cucito molti assorbenti e li ho messi “in vendita” nel mio negozio di miss hobby con un prezzo ridotto per coprire il costo della spedizione dell’assorbente in africa. io, invece, offro i tessuti e il lavoro. gli assorbenti poi vengono spediti direttamente dal venditore alla organizzazione di benificienza. chi paga questi oggetti in donazione NON RICEVE NIENTE, a parte la conoscenza che hanno aiutato almeno una donna in bisogno di un modo igienico di gestire le mestruazioni, quindi aiutandola ad evitare malattie and assent from work or school. and I do not think a little! look at the faces of the girls who received the menstrual kit in the photo above!

when I decided to join last spring, I chose the sister organization hope. when I prepared the package to be shipped, however, I knew that needed it most because they had begun a collaboration with a group in Africa that produces the absorption. So now I will send them to the shanti uganda society. in Sanskrit, shanti means "peace." shanti uganda is an organization that provides training to adults, many of whom are HIV positive, creating crafts or financial aid for their education. also provide medical services, especially for pregnant women, and yoga classes. in addition, they offer workshops for girls and women to learn about their health, sex, AIDS and menstruation, giving each a kit menstruation.

if the initiative you are interested, go take a look at my shop and perhaps you will also commission some towels. for the cost of a couple of coffee at the bar, you can help a girl go to school or a woman to work, things are quite normal for us and discounted. Then, we recall that only one absorbent washable will help so many days because you can reuse per anni!

anche se non ti va di commissionare niente, perché non spargere la parola? scrivici sul tuo blog e cerchiamo di aiutare più donne possibile!


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