Friday, April 30, 2010

Does Jeffree Star Have A Dick


Salve ragazze... oggi vi parlo della cottura del fimo attraverso forni elettrici che non hanno la manopolina dei gradi...
Avete presente quei piccoli scalda brioches che ogni tanto si trovano nei negozi di elettrodomestici? Due settimane fa finalmente, ho trovato proprio quello che faceva al caso mio...

Li per lì, ero indecisa se acquistarlo o no perchè non c'erano grades for cooking, but then saw the price, I decided to risk it ... Besides, when would I ever ricapitato to find a small oven was used to me just as small (capacity 4 liters) for only € 9.90?
For those interested, I found it to be special even without Cossato and bid costs about € 11 more or less ... Here is a photo

It 'very comfortable and warm in a moment considering the small ... I think I can lay it with the whole box in my closet and I swear that is full ... so for those who had problems in my area is ideal ... To overcome
al fatto della manopola dei gradi inoltre, basta mettere prima della cottura degli oggetti, un foglio di carta forno. Se dopo pochi minuti la carta si ingiallisce, allora il forno è troppo alto e le nostre creazioni potrebbero annerirsi o fare delle bollicine...

Il mio consiglio è di effettuare una cottura in più tempi... ci vorrà un po' di più ma sarete sicure del risultato... Di solito per la prima cottura dell'oggetto, imposto il timer su 4 o 5 minuti a seconda della sua grandezza e stacco la spina del forno dopo circa tre minuti per far abbassare la temperatura oppure apro un po' lo sportellino del forno, sempre tenendo sott'occhio la carta forno e gli oggetti infornati...

Dopo questa fase lascio raffreddare completely the oven with the door open for the first half and after a while 'opening at all, leaving of course the objects still inside, so as to make them harden a little' ... Once cool, the text that is cooking, Pigio gently with a fingernail on the object and if the sign remains, cook for about three more minutes, repeating if necessary the whole procedure until the nail does not leave marks on any subject ... .

I also hope this time it was clear, however, remain at your disposal for any clarification ... Finally, I suggest, to cook the first few items that have come ill or those deemed not cute, so you understand the operation of the furnace and heating the same time, not degrade the best works ...

Excuse me also, if I have slipped the post I promised last time, on baking polymer clay in a water bath and remedies for the evil creations cooked, but I was too happy and I will speak to the strength of my new oven ..
a kiss to all


Monday, April 26, 2010

Maxine Cartoons On Aging


After baking the polymer clay, if you used the oven at home and therefore an aside, it is very important to do proper ventilation. This serves once again to be cautious, because even if the toxic particles are released only when the fimo burn, I always think that a little 'more well advised, when it comes di salute, è sempre meglio usarla.

Si può usare inoltre, una teglia da forno apposita, coprendola mentre cuociamo, con un coperchio metallico o in vetro (il vetro è molto più comodo, ci permette di osservare la cottura senza doverlo alzare e rischiare inutili bruciature). Sempre perchè: “la prudenza non è mai troppa”.
Se usate la teglia, dovete calcolare qualche minuto in più per la cottura, a seconda della grandezza dei pezzi. Tranquille, niente di troppo difficile con qualche prova.
Se i pezzi invece, sono di piccole dimensioni, potete anche cuocerli direttamente sulla griglia del forno, con l’accortezza di poggiarli sopra ad un foglio di carta da forno.

Cos’altro dire? Il fimo non può essere cotto per bollitura, ma sinceramente non ho mai provato, visto che secondo me anche per piccoli pezzi c’è un metodo molto più efficace, ossia quello della bollitura a bagno maria. Nei prossimi post ne parlerò brevemente e metterò il link di un video trovato su youtube, che anche se non fatto troppo bene, rende l’idea di cosa si deve fare, anche per le meno esperte…

Ultimo consiglio del giorno: se cuocete qualche oggettino e non siete sicure che la cottura sia perfetta, basta premere un unghia sull’oggetto; se rimane il segno, allora serve ancora qualche minuto di cottura, magari abbassando un po’ la temperatura del forno, For example, 100 °, whereas if, it does not, then congratulations ... your kitchen is perfectly successful!
If you have cooked too much, or the trinkets may have changed colors (especially white and light colors tend to turn yellow if cooked too much), or worse could be created bubbles ... do not worry there are things you can mask our cooking mistakes, so you do not have to throw everything, but of course if the bubbles were to be many or object has blackened ... the trash is the only end that can do ...

A big kiss to all be happy my tips are useful ...
I'll be waiting when you read the next post and leave a comment or send me an email, I am always delighted to see that my work is appreciated ...


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Webkinz Sing Up Fo Free

Tutorial mini cutter and butterflies in Fimo Fimo

Waiting for the second post post about baking polymer clay, I point out the tutorial really well done ... The first is to
SilverRose82 and is related to the star-shaped mini cutter, or the heart, both areas by the models of polymer clay.

These tutorial for mini cutter, can be downloaded in pdf format and are very easy to do (although I suggest you try again times, so try all the pencils in your home;)). this is the link to download the heart-shaped, the other (flower and star) just go to the side band of the lower right ... if you find them send me a post and put the other link ...
For those who do not want to create them ... if you can go to this fimo-per-o-cernit-only-05-cm
It also sells them SilverRose82 Misshobby up to € 2.50 and there are 4.

The other tutorial instead, is a video found on you tube taken from the transmission Crafts Beautiful:
This season, there is a desire for bright colors and brilliant and I love to put in the packages of gifts, special gift tag, so this time I used the butterflies inspired by this tutorial .... What do you think?

I think are in effect and above all very easy and fast ... let me know ... See you soon


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Milena Velba Latest Set

One of the most difficult things for inexperienced like me, on Fimo is cooking, as in the web there is nothing to say, that if it burned the fimo be harmful and carcinogenic. ...
E 'for this reason that I started to inform me more and I decided to join in my research. Fimo
Cooking should be done in an electric oven, because it dries the air or by boiling in water, as other pastries. Cooking varies depending on the size of the object, from 15 to 30 minutes at a temperature ranging from 110 ° to 130 °. The cooking takes a lot of attention, as if burned polymer clay can be hazardous to our health, something that does not happen, the simple use of the material by hand contact. In fact, the toxic particles are liberated only when, Fimo usually arrive at a temperature above 150 °. Many people, therefore, recommended to buy a separate electric oven and therefore do not cook in the oven at home, but many others, say that you just need a little 'attention ... At first I
to be safe, I wanted to buy oven part, but the research has been disappointing ... I have little space and toasters are all too big. For my needs, it would be a perfect warm croissant but where to find it? I have gone mad ... and so will opt for the home oven with a little 'of prudence, of which I shall speak in future posts. In fact, the first thing I asked myself is ... how do I understand when the object is cooked? Then gradually I realized that cooking is not that difficult.
In fact, you can make multiple firings of the same object, so if after removing the object from the oven, you see that is not yet cooked perfectly ... not desperate enough to cool (some people for it to cool quickly, place the object in water cold and ice) and then anneal it to harden a little '(of course the time varies based on the object and its hardness).
The ability to cook several times the object allows us to do well at different stages of our work, without distorting our small work art. In fact, for example in the creation of dolls, often return several times in the hands of the same body part already created, causes the heat that is so deforming the shape that we had done with so much love to achieve. Another way to avoid the deformation of the object, if you do not want to cook the part, is to put it in the fridge to cool and avoid trouble.
all for today ... but I leave you with a question ...
I read that to avoid the issue of toxic particles, one of the tricks is to put items that are cooked in a pan with glass lid, do any of you ever tried? And what kind of pan do you use? There are more places to cook the item? A big kiss to the next


Friday, April 16, 2010

Outsize Ladies Fashion

Cooking giveaway Soribel

Hi girls ... I am writing today to publicize the giveaway of a new friend ... Soribel his blog is really nice ... then let us jump .

Also, I wanted to warn you that tomorrow or the day after the first post the information on baking fimo ... I hope there will be many comments ... in order to help with each other ...

The favors for my niece must be perfect and I need you ... are well also welcome any ideas that come to mind, to make it pretty ... I wish them all different, let's see what they say my sister .... a kiss to all ...


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wedding Confirmation Letter Sample


Hi girls I have little free time lately and so little time to create quiet ... but not defeated ...
Although with a very long time to realize, I'm preparing for baptism favors of my first granddaughter ... she will be born in two months and is already three thousand Auntie ... I can not wait to be born ...
After many attempts and research on the internet, my sister and I have opted for the shoes, made of polymer clay that will become key-rings, with the intent to do favors for a cute and sometimes even useful. ...
The problem is that the beginner with polymer clay and what worries me is not the manual but since the cooking ... so once again I need you all ...
The shoes that I make are very similar to those ... in the picture. I've seen stranger on a blog and fell in love. These below are cardboard, but I wanted them to be more resistant and that's why I chose the fimo of tests and trials, with various types of pasta, both synthetic and not ....

These days I'm looking for information on various polymer clay and I have many questions ... so slowly piano nei miei post raccoglierò notizie trovate qua e là nel web, con l’intento di aiutare chi come me ne sa ancora molto poco e con la speranza che qualcuno possa rispondere anche alle mie domande….
Un bacione a tutte Silvia
Ps. Ah dimenticavo che ne dite delle scarpine non sono bellissime?