Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wedding Confirmation Letter Sample


Hi girls I have little free time lately and so little time to create quiet ... but not defeated ...
Although with a very long time to realize, I'm preparing for baptism favors of my first granddaughter ... she will be born in two months and is already three thousand Auntie ... I can not wait to be born ...
After many attempts and research on the internet, my sister and I have opted for the shoes, made of polymer clay that will become key-rings, with the intent to do favors for a cute and sometimes even useful. ...
The problem is that the beginner with polymer clay and what worries me is not the manual but since the cooking ... so once again I need you all ...
The shoes that I make are very similar to those ... in the picture. I've seen stranger on a blog and fell in love. These below are cardboard, but I wanted them to be more resistant and that's why I chose the fimo of tests and trials, with various types of pasta, both synthetic and not ....

These days I'm looking for information on various polymer clay and I have many questions ... so slowly piano nei miei post raccoglierò notizie trovate qua e lĂ  nel web, con l’intento di aiutare chi come me ne sa ancora molto poco e con la speranza che qualcuno possa rispondere anche alle mie domande….
Un bacione a tutte Silvia
Ps. Ah dimenticavo che ne dite delle scarpine non sono bellissime?


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