Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lymphomalife Expectancy Uk

B2B: Corrections

Today I share with you everything I learned about the corrections to the shape of the face , but first we would keep open a parenthesis. I am not saying all the philosophy of corrections at any cost. Those who, often, we persist in calling defects can be identified and be remembered in the eyes of others. Not that I want to or must necessarily focus on the perfect proportions, it is said that those who have freckles should cover, not necessarily those with fair skin should use a bronzer or that chin should be hidden at all costs , with the risk of creating a shadow unnatural. My face is round and I keep it, but there are some mornings that I want to carve it and others do not quite know what to astral combination, I like it like not to "correct" (a word I do not like very much). If you remember my experience from Diego Dalla Palma, then you will also remember that the makeup I had forbidden to use brightly colored blush. Very good. I accepted that statement as a disinterested advice, but I adapted to the circumstances and, above all, to my mood. A second day of use blush colors duller and more brighter. According to me the logic of the trick is not so much determine what we can not wear, but rather as dosarlo !

Detto questo, le correzioni esistono e si studiano; grandissimi truccatori, con decenni di carriera alle spalle ne hanno scritto sui loro libri, però sta al nostro buon senso applicarle senza cadere nella rigidità del " questo si fa così e basta ". L'elasticità mentale è proprio una bella invenzione :)

Il viso regolare o ovale:

Partiamo col dire che tutti i colori chiari allargano, illuminano, esaltano, mentre gli scuri rimpiccioliscono, danno profondità e smussano. In un viso dalle forme regolari, o viso ovale , si illuminano la fronte, the bridge of the nose, cheeks, chin and eyebrows because they are naturally more exposed points to light. To do this you can use a concealer that is lighter base with a brush or sponge. After applying the clear is powdered and passed to the dark powder.

round face:
In this case, the reference light (forehead, cheekbones, chin) and darken the area immediately below the cheekbones, eyebrows, given the roundness of the face must be defined and non-rounded .

square face:
It 's a kind of face-featured stronger and usually hard and prominent forehead, cheek and chin are aligned. They light up the face and chin and darken the projections, while the eyebrows are held softer.

Triangular Face:
Lights chin, but darken the front side and cheekbones, eye shadows instead will be opaque and dark, but the mouth light.

elongated rectangular face:
darken just the high and low side.
The beautiful illustrations are from the manual make-up of Romualdo Priore

addition to these macro-adjustments you should consider each time the individual parts to be treated:

Normally, a regular face be lit at the center, the low forehead be so enlightened, but without getting too close to the attaches, if it is high is browned on top with a movement from outside to ' Internal and finally, if you large, it should be darkened on the sides with the same movement.

Women with a beautiful nose, Illumine! For those who have the hump , necessary to illuminate the root and the long nose be darkened under the tip while in wide nose darken the wings.

One cheekbone regular be illuminated and darkened on the bony prominence just below, the high cheekbones darkened goes directly onto the ledge, but if it is elusive in the same way the cheekbone regular.

regular If we can enlighten the heart, the sporgente va leggermente scurito (evitare macchie!), ma se è sfuggente si può illuminare.

Bene, nonostante la pappardella iniziale, spero di essere stata chiara ma soprattutto utile! La mia preferenza è quella di trattare singolarmente le parti del viso e poi dare uno sguardo al suo insieme e la sua forma; inoltre non è affatto facile distinguere le varie forme ma, come dicono i nostri youtubers preferiti, p ractice makes perfect!

Fatto il misfatto!


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