Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Yellow Based Foundation Uk

Pastel Nail Polish by Eyeko

Hello to all ^ _ ^
Today I wanted to show you some pictures of the polish Eyeko, the PASTEL POLISH, ultimately are fixed with the glaze blue in all shades and nuances, and I must say that this is delicious!
Requires 2 coats to be opaque, the package contains 8.5 ml of the product and carries a maturity of 6 months from opening.
... is really nice in my opinion because it is a very clear sky with shades of blue! wow
Vi lascio con qualche foto ^_^
Un bacione a tutteeee   ^_^***                                                                                                             

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Clipart Of A Joint Family

Kiko! Sigma

I do not happen often with Kiko, but this collection has really hit. Will quell'ondina eyeshadows or being a fan of all that is plain that both lips or blush! Moved by curiosity, I went to the store to look around and here are some picture of what I bought!

Water 03 Chartreuse green eyeshadow and 02 Light gold :

Water Blush 04 Berry sparkle (like a real fool I forgot to photograph the packaging, but here's how it appears on hand!)

Cream 01 Emerald green waterproof eyeliner

Rimando any definitive comment until later, for now I can only say that the eye shadow, but one or two are really interesting: they write well (in the photos you see them without the base) and are silky to the touch but in a strange way ... the texture seemed a lot like saying ... "thin" ... I do not know if it makes sense! : D
Eyeliner is writing and creamy, and in fact, at least on hand, not faded even after about 6 hours ... the test was done at home eh! : D
The blush spreads well but still I can not say anything about life ... if I am particularly impressed by the performance of course I'll write something about it! For now you can look at the details of the collection here

The eyeliner has behaved pretty well, I had no problems but rather a period of writing: it does not flow as easily as other gel eyeliner that I tried (eg Mac Fluidline) and you must do several passes to get a color full.

No problem with the blush, which is lightweight and easily sfumabile!

eye shadows behave a bit 'average Kiko as eyeshadow, which is fairly hard and pigmented, although I find it thin and light texture of Water eyeshadow!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pre-pitch Confidentiality Agreement

Paris Memories Enamel

Ciao a tutte mie care ^_^
l'altro giorno sono entrata in uno di quei negozietti "NINEtNINE Cent Shop" e ho trovato gli smalti della PARIS MEMORIES, la linea cosmetica che vende questa catena di negozi... tempo fa avevo provato i loro ombretti e mi erano piaciuti, quindi ho deciso di provare anche gli smalti... per 99 centesimi come potevo non provarli?? ^.^
Ecco i colori che ho acquistato:
Il 2° colore da sinistra sembra un grigio in realtà è un viola/grigio metallizzato, molto bello!
...ovviamente sono tutti toni di viola perché in questo periodo è il mio colore preferito eheheheh
Per ora ne ho provato solo uno, il primo da sinistra, il lilla!
Con 2 passate risulta coprente ed è meraviglioso secondo me, sono molto liquidi... l'unica cosa che non mi piace è il pennellino... ma per 99 cent non potevo aspettarmi di meglio ;p
Vi faccio vedere qualche foto con questo smalto applicato:
Lo sticker che vedete viene dal sito BornPrettyStore:
...ha un sacco di cosine per Nail Art e utilizzando il codice: 
riceverete uno sconto del 10% sul vostro acquisto, degli stickers col logo del mio canale youtube ed un simpatico gadget ^.^ tengo a precisare che non percepisco nessuna percentuale sui vostri acquisti, è un semplice sconto che hanno generato per gli iscritti al mio canale ^_^
Vi faccio vedere altre foto:
Ho fatto anche un'altra prova ;p
Qualche giorno fa ho trovato all'oviesse la collezione Black and White, e incuriosita ho acquistato quel top coat perlato col riflessi celesti... come potevo non applicarlo su questo lilla meraviglioso per vedere l'effetto??? eheheheh
Mooolto carino ^_^
Spero che questo post vi sia stato utile ;D
un bacione a tutteeeeee

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

I Get A Sore Lower Back When I Get Nervous

Debby NR 80

Ciao a tutte!
Stamattina da acqua&sapone ho trovato gli smaltini della debby, colorplay at 2.90 ... I took the opportunity to take two colors in my mind wonderfully: 79 & 80.
I'm lying on the nails and the number 80 is fabulous!!
shines its light! From the photos does not do much but it is very special, a dark teal metallic ... I put some photos:

Pay no attention to my unfortunately short claws; _;
It 's a really changing color!
If you pass by soap & water check it out ^. ^
Some details about this product:
- Quantity: 7.5 ml;
- a maturity of 36 months from opening ;
- texture: very smooth;
- opacity: need at least 2 passes.

A kiss to tutteee

Thursday, February 3, 2011

How Much Clearance For Recessed Lighting

How to turn a nail polish that we do not like:)) Hello Kitty Nail Art

Hello to all :-)
days ago while I was studying I did an experiment: I had a nail polish from Barry M., 308:

that nails do not thrill me much, it was not covered and the effect was kind of bruised nails ... well ... since I'd bought I'd never used!
So I thought I'd mix them glitterini of the blue, thinking it to be used over other glazes ... I said to myself: it can not become any worse!
... and finally ... lost lost ... ho versato questi glitterini nella boccetta:
...e con mio grande stupore il giorno dopo lo smalto aveva subito una metamorfosi!!!
I glitterini hanno stinto facendo diventare lo smalto di un fantastico color lavanda!!!
Vi lascio il link di un tutorial in cui ho utilizzato questo smalto per farvi apprezzare meglio il colore steso sulle unghie:

Se avete smalti che non you like before you throw some experiments: mischiateci other colors, glitter ... get custom color super thrown in the trash and you will not spend the money:))

A kiss to tuteeee

Church Ministry Constitution Samples

New Blog: Cosmesiverde by silviana85

Hello Girls,
is a bit 'that I can not update the blog, so excuse me ...
between study, work and everyday life ultimately there is little time to devote to my blog, because I also new.
I finally managed to give birth to my second blog, which is not of my passions, but of natural cosmetics.
Let me explain, for more than a year, I started changing my habits of beauty, looking to buy cosmetics and makeup, they did not have harmful ingredients in the skin and the environment.
cosmetics that we use regularly, are full of silicones, petroleum and so on, so I started inquiring about, and I found a very valid alternative. Cosmetic products eco-bio, protect our health and our beauty.
In short, it's creams, balms, oils, etc. that have only natural products as ingredients, for this very reason, are more effective moisturizing our skin and restores luster and beauty.
At first, it was not easy juggling reading of cosmetic ingredients (INCI), but then with a little 'patience and information, you can buy good products, going so being informed consumers, who want more by cosmetic companies.
We must make it clear to companies that we are tired of being poisoned every day and we want effective products and not hurt us.
The intent of my blog then, is precisely to help people like me, wants to change habits not abandoning the pleasure to pamper themselves with creams and creams, but simply choosing something more natural and effective. In the blog , you will find the analysis of the ingredients of some natural products and soon will offer you many interesting information.
Who is interested, enroll now, I still feel a bit 'base since the blog is very active and also, I'd be happy if you left the comment about what information you would like to have in order to focus first on your requests.
I hope I have been clear, tate things I have to say, but maybe go into a second post;). A big kiss to all

soon Silvia