Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tapeworm In Coffee Maker


Hello sorry girls tantissimo per la lunga assenza, in questo periodo ho avuto davvero tante cose da fare, ma non mi sono dimenticata di voi, anzi!!!
Proprio per questo, ringrazio tutte le ragazze che hanno continuato a leggere e commentare i miei post, durante questo lungo periodo di latitanza dal web.
Mi ha fatto davvero piacere sapere che i miei post sono apprezzati!!!
Come vi ho risposto più volte nei commenti ai post, vi confermo che sono tornata e rinizierò a scrivere su numerosi argomenti.
Per ora mi concentrerò sui post sul fimo, visto che sono stati molto utili a molte di voi, ma presto ci saranno grandi novità nell'ambito della bellezza (come vi avevo promesso!!!) e l'apertura di A new blog, based on the care of the body conscious. "
But now no more talk and move on to another lesson ...

Fimo is an incredible material for our creations, does not need any special care, takes up little space, has wonderful, vibrant colors and can also be used after a long time since manufacture, since it does not harden in air, as happens for example, the corn paste.
important thing is keeping it.
own experience for example, we do not recommend to store the dough balls of polymer clay in a plastic box, you risk damaging both the box and your precious dough, which will become molto più duro del solito e per di più, tenderà a sbriciolarsi.
All’interno del fimo infatti, ci sono degli olii molto “appiccicosi”, che vengono rilasciati dai panetti quando non vengono utilizzati da un po’ di tempo e che, quando fuoriescono tendono a far diventare il nostro panetto duro.
Non bisogna dunque nemmeno, lasciare i panetti aperti sui mobili di casa, perché potrebbero rovinarli irrimediabilmente.
La miglior cosa è avvolgerli nella carta argentata per alimenti o nella carta del panetto (in modo anche di preservare il panetto, da polvere e pelucchi vari) e metterli dentro ad una scatola di latta, quella dei biscotti andrà benissimo.
Potreste provare, also wrap in cling film, it should work the same, with the advantage, however, to see just what color is inside the cap, without having to open them all every time. Hmm ... Why have not I tried? Will make it soon;) ...
Having care to avoid wrapping the hardening of the dough, being able to put in a plastic box (although I always prefer the tin), but an extra precaution I suggest you cover the bottom of the plastic box or cardboard, with greaseproof paper and the worst should be avoided.
Well this time it's for everything, I hope this time too, to be helpful ...
If you have any questions please leave a comment below, I will be happy to help you with what I can;) ...
a kiss to all

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Panasonic Lx3 Hard Case

but, please!

kinder cioccolato

come scrivo ogni tanto, vivere in un altro paese ti da la possibilità di scoprire tante cose nuove. ad esempio, non mi dimenticherò mai della mia confusione la prima volta che ho messo piede in italia quando ho visto il bidet nel bagno del albergo. mi sono chiesta, “perché ce ne sono due gabinetti qui dentro?” (negli stati uniti non esistono i bidet)

ti abitui a tante di queste cose nuove (ora mi sembra assurdo NON avere il bidet quando torno negli stati uniti) ma altri ti restano sempre ridicole. una di queste convinzioni Italian who never managed to swallow is the idea that the biscuits, chocolate bars and other snacks like that are good for your health. if you want to dissolve the pan of stars in the milk bottle as something delicious and tasty for your child, I agree, but please do not try to tell me that is a healthy thing to be given regularly to a child for one year (or more) to make it grow well and strong.

ads that have always given me the most trouble are those of the kinder. how do you call that white creamy sauce strategic sweet "milk"? that the milk has to do with that stuff? and I want to say that "goodness" in it? then the motto "The chocolate that helps to grow "... please!

so I was very happy to read the latest edition of the journal Altroconsumo that, thanks to a new Regulation, EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) to investigate the claims of the slogans of food producers. found, of course, that there is absolutely nothing in the Kinder chocolate that helps to grow, so Ferrero was forced to change the slogan. In my opinion, even "the pleasure of growing up" is the ultimate in accuracy, but one step at a time!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Secondhand Professional Camcorders

new series with melon seeds

I wrote a month ago of jewelry that I made with melon seeds , an idea I got from little treasures. There are two ways to color the seed: either with the nail polish or with a marker. I only had a problem with the necklace made with seeds colored with a permanent marker: being touched by the clothes, hands, and I do not know what else, the color of the pen (although completely dry) also moved on beads and parts seeds left in natural color. The result: a purple and pink necklace that left the color on the neck of the clothes.

I really liked the necklace with purple (probably my favorite color) so I made another with purple enamel. see the difference between the new one (above) and the old stained (below)! (You do not see much in the picture, but also the seeds that are very old stained pink.)

when I wrote the first series, I also spoke of the difficulties that I have found to dispose of these beads tiny wood. maya advised me to put them on toothpicks stuck into a cork board to dispose. I tried that, but using a piece of foam instead of the cork, and it was very easy and came fully glazed! Thank you, Maya! for the seeds, instead, I glazed half of one side of each and I let them dry on one of those trays of pastries (which wash and reuse when possible). These trays are good not only because it recovered, but because the enamel does not stick much to the plastic surface. then after a few hours, when I was sure they were completely dry, I did the other side and I made them dry again on the same tray.

and put to work immediately, the new series yesterday (Erchie beach on the Amalfi amalfitanta during a Sunday outing). good week!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Le Roi Air Compressor Manual

calendar of bread, love and creativity

these days, when I have her back in pieces, work on Christmas gifts. I do not want to see what I create again because it happened in the past that the people they were created have seen them here on the blog before they got them. I feel a bit 'ugly this thing, then you will have to wait ...

in the meantime, we mark the giveaway calendar 2011 which did linda . it gives one, then run here!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Meniscus Tear Surgery

old sheets saved!

I had a lot of sheets used and very popular (we speak of decades of years of continuous use from me and my brothers) with the snoopy comics that I have always liked a lot. only the sheet with the corners that goes directly on the mattress was many consumers in half and went a bit 'small on the mattress of my daughter. so I decided to retrieve them in various projects.

we always need containers for toys. so I got one of those fruit crates (that people give us full of things from their gardens, but do not want to ever back, I never understood why) he was one year from the balcony.

I washed and I did a cover with a sheet with the corners. I removed half of the party, many consumers, but also the rest of the tissue had become a bit 'thin (but still good designs), so I reinforced the canvas thermo-adhesive back. opens on three sides at the bottom to insert the cassette (and taking it off to wash it) and closed with buttons of pressure.

there are lots of toys, and since I have two of these boxes and can be stacked one above the other to conserve precious space of the room, I lined them too. but I'll try without the thermo-adhesive canvas because I am not convinced that the end is needed.

then, with the rest of that sheet with the corners I made a pillowcase for a pillow on the bed (there was already one in origin, but I have no idea what happened). and with the top sheet (which was still in good condition) and another white sheet we had plus I made a quilt. (Sorry the photo, but with all this rain, not much light comes to the bed.) There is a line in the comics because I had to move them (they were originally at the bottom of the sheet so that you could see when I was bent over blankets). but does not bother me. and my daughter is thrilled!

seen that this sheet was larger than what was needed for the quilt and remained a figure of Linus, I used to make a small pillow. only that I still have stuff, therefore I still have the photo.

short, I am very satisfied! by a set of sheets that a reasonable person would have jumped, knowing that he had a long life, I got four things we needed in a fully recovered!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Will Domperidone Effect Fertlity

bananas are not only eating

a friend sent me a link to a very exciting news: a winner of the Curry Stone Design Prize 2010 was one that Elizabeth Scharpf and his SHE (Sustainable Health Enterprises) . because they have done? have created a system of local micro-industries in Rwanda made of local women. and producing? menstrual towels made from banana fiber, a local product.

is the same speech that I have already written before: in many places in the third world, girls and women, not having the ability to manage the menstrual cycle, they lose several days a month from school or work. but instead of using the donation washable menstrual pads from other countries (something in which I participate I ), SHE creates production systems in place in order to not only solve this problem, but also to create jobs and give more power to women. to help with this initiative, just donate $ 28 (about € 20) to SHE28 campaign, see the movie or become a fan on facebook .

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Body Waxing Lowell Ma


there are many beautiful aspects of living in a place far from where it was Croesus. learn, opens and grows continuously. but there are also great difficulties, one of which is the distance from the original family and dear friends. I lost so many important moments of my loved ones: marriages, divorces, births, deaths, and everything else. but for me these days are probably the most difficult I have spent the past 9 years here in Italy. has ceased to exist because my beloved grandmother of 93 years, and not to risk trouble with my pregnancy in the race, I could not catch the first flight in the United States to greet her in her last moments, will remain at the funeral.

noni my grandmother was like a second mother to me. I have so many memories of her that make me smile, crack up with laughter or just feel good. but the best things you can not tell a story. such words exist to describe the love and closeness that has always given me and I always felt towards him? I suffer so much because there's more (and, not being a believer, I can not comfort with the idea that'll see her again one of these days). I really miss my family of origin, with whom I would stay at this difficult time, and I feel helpless to do anything it can not be where I am. distances are sometimes very difficult. but fortunately the love knows neither time nor distance and I know that I will always love you and will always feel very lucky to have him in my life.