Thursday, November 25, 2010

Panasonic Lx3 Hard Case

but, please!

kinder cioccolato

come scrivo ogni tanto, vivere in un altro paese ti da la possibilità di scoprire tante cose nuove. ad esempio, non mi dimenticherò mai della mia confusione la prima volta che ho messo piede in italia quando ho visto il bidet nel bagno del albergo. mi sono chiesta, “perché ce ne sono due gabinetti qui dentro?” (negli stati uniti non esistono i bidet)

ti abitui a tante di queste cose nuove (ora mi sembra assurdo NON avere il bidet quando torno negli stati uniti) ma altri ti restano sempre ridicole. una di queste convinzioni Italian who never managed to swallow is the idea that the biscuits, chocolate bars and other snacks like that are good for your health. if you want to dissolve the pan of stars in the milk bottle as something delicious and tasty for your child, I agree, but please do not try to tell me that is a healthy thing to be given regularly to a child for one year (or more) to make it grow well and strong.

ads that have always given me the most trouble are those of the kinder. how do you call that white creamy sauce strategic sweet "milk"? that the milk has to do with that stuff? and I want to say that "goodness" in it? then the motto "The chocolate that helps to grow "... please!

so I was very happy to read the latest edition of the journal Altroconsumo that, thanks to a new Regulation, EFSA (the European Food Safety Authority) to investigate the claims of the slogans of food producers. found, of course, that there is absolutely nothing in the Kinder chocolate that helps to grow, so Ferrero was forced to change the slogan. In my opinion, even "the pleasure of growing up" is the ultimate in accuracy, but one step at a time!


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