Thursday, October 28, 2010

Long Play Woman Masterbation

diapers, diapers, diapers!

after months (years?) Who kept saying that I would put up for sale online, cucicucicoo diapers are finally ready for sale in my online store Misshobby . currently produces two types of diapers: the AIO (All-in-one) and pocket (pocket). The first type is very similar structure and use of disposable diapers, and very easy to use. the pocket, however, need to insert a , but they are also easy to use and more versatile. To learn more about the diapers, the page looks on cloth diapers.

so far had only sold the diapers in person or by specific request. as I wrote before, I attended for a period (until I got pregnant and I was too tired!) to the markets of the monthly web in the Naples area. I recently discovered photos of some of these markets where there are too, and so I wanted to share. The following are in photo gallery of the web site .

CUCICUCICOO CASTELVOLTURNO 7FEB2009 here at my desk Castelvolturno Market (EC) a cold morning in February 2010. as you can see, there sono non solo i pannolini lavabili, ma tutti i miei prodotti .

19 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma qui, invece, è il mercato grande di genuino clandestino a roma ad aprile 2010. lo so che è quasi impossibile trovarmi qui (sono in mezzo alle tre file di tende bianche), ma da una buon’idea di com’era la situazione, anche se qui si vede solo una parte delle tende e banchi presenti quel giorno.

05 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma sempre a roma, il mio banco (con la tovaglia verde) in alto.

11 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma 1

e di nuovo a roma, in un momento di pausa.

these two photos, however, have an album on facebook and dating back to Easter 2010, one of the days that the market has become the Vesuvius. beside me is my friend Albert (who makes a great craft beer) and my daughter.

here, again, my daughter who wears one of the hair bands that I wrote here (but worn to her, that is lowered on the front).

and enough! good day everyone!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

South African Driver License Template

jewelry melon seeds

when I saw these necklaces , I fell in love Now! I found the blog of maya (and series) with that of neat . I told myself that I could not try it myself.

is very simple: just remove the seeds from a melon (I used the melon with yellow skin), wash with a little 'soap or liquid dish soap and dry them. then stain as you like. I really liked the effect of those maya coloring only half of each seed and leaving some without color. I also put some unpainted wooden beads (some of which I colored). I wanted to copy the effect of Maya with large beads, but I could not find them. sinned did not turn out like her beautiful necklaces. to do it, I used a needle and thread transparent. Then I got the idea to make a bracelet, which I think is fine without the large beads.

maya wrote that in the past used the nail polish to color the seeds, but now that does not have much time, using markers. so I tried both methods. those are orange with purple enamel and those with a permanent marker (the much loved sharpies). In fact, with the marker will be much faster because you can color the seeds and beads all at once. with enamel, however, must be done first on one side, have them dry, and then the other side. I had to use pliers to hold them while preparations. and with these tiny beads was disaster with half the glaze. then after a while 'time, the enamel begins to become very dense and difficult to use. (I've heard in the past for a way to make the glaze more fluid again became dense, but I do not remember how. Some of you know how?) ***

next note: maya wrote me that one way much easier to paint the beads with small enamel is to put them on toothpicks inficcati in a cork (or I would do in a piece of polystyrene). I'll try it next time!

*** Note *** successiva #2: ho fatto una collana nuova e ho provato l’idea con il polistirolo !***

ma alla fine, ho preferito il metodo con lo smalto perché il colore è più brillante e dà un effetto più bello, secondo me. in più, ho scoperto dopo qualche giorno di uso che il colore dai semi e le perline colorati con il pennarello permanente è cominciato a passare anche ai semi e perline senza colore. evidentemente, non si assorbe mai completamente. non so se è un difetto delle pennarelle che ho usato io, ma ora vorrei rifare quella collana con lo smalto viola. poi ho pensato che si potrebbero fare anche dei bei orecchini con i semi. forse li farò quando rifaccio la collana viola…

then, thank you again maya you for sharing this wonderful idea! I recommend you go see her blog . as well as many ideas for natural jewels, make many beautiful things.

Last Revised: November 22, 2010

Friday, October 22, 2010

Difference Between Pruritus And Pruritis

top for pregnancy

I saw this top reported by linda months ago, before becoming pregnant, but I liked it so much and seen so much that I hoped to have a another son, I put it in your bookmarks. and thank goodness! was an easy project and highlights the stomach (instead of making me look like a whale as many maternity clothes!).

megan nielsen has many cute patterns, but you usually have to buy from his shop. This, however, it's free! ( next note: I just checked and it is no longer free, but costs only $ 5. Is worth more! ) you can download the tutorial and pattern here (in English).

is a shame that I have written before, because now starting to do some 'of chilly to use it (I did in the summer), but it would be very easy to lengthen the sleeves and you can always combine it with something heavier above. with this model, two long strips wrap around the belly, then you will always go perfectly, whether you're in the 3rd or 9 months. the only problem I found is that sometimes moving stripes and comes out from under the lower part of the back (because they are sull'altina), but you could easily fix that piece a little stretching.

another thing I learned: It is advisable to use the jersey of a solid color so that it looks the same color in front and behind. I used this fantasy that I had bought in the market over a year ago, but the stripes tend to roll along the edges. with a solid color would not be a problem, but the fabrics have a fantasy in the back of a different color and patterns blurred, so you see a lot when you run the strips a little the edges.

I have to get some 'running along the edges of his shirt and securing them with the zig zag (this plan is that it cuts the edges without sew the jersey in the washing machine does not slip off). and I must say that I prefer it because it still does not make me mad to have a piece is not completely finished.

you recommend it to you or your girlfriends pregnant! let me know if you try it too!

ps the next thing I write here on the blog will be the necklace and bracelet in the first pic! not to be missed! :)

Converse Aero Jam Remove Tounge

inserts for pocket diapers

currently produces two types of cloth diapers : the all-in-one and pocket diapers. those are all in an easier to use because they are most similar in structure and to use disposable diapers.

those pockets, however, are empty inside and need un'inserto to absorb the pee. you put this insert into the diaper through the opening on the back of the diaper. the beauty of this system are very different "beautiful"

  • after washing, the sleeve open and empty the diaper is dry very soon.
  • you can adjust the level of absorption by simply inserts two instead of one, very useful for the night.
  • there are only two sizes of inserts cucicucicoo for 4 sizes of diapers and then if they do not have to buy new ones for every change in size. (And indeed, one could also use rags, old towels. That has at home instead of inserts cucicucicoo to save more.)
  • being much less work, pocket diapers and inserts them cost much less than the All-in-one.

cucicucicoo inserts are made of three materials, all of the Oeko-tex and with great absorbency, all three soft and eco-bamboo terry (45% bamboo 45% organic cotton, 10 % polyester), stacks of bamboo (70% bamboo 30% organic cotton) and stacks of hemp (55% hemp 45% organic cotton).

are two sizes: SM (cucicucicoo pocket for diapers in size S and M) and L-XL (for pocket diapers cucicucicoo size L and XL).

how to fold the inserts cucicucicoo?

1. fold the insert twice to make a rectangle of 4 layers. SM for the insert is made along the length. L-XL for the insert is the same, being a square shape.

folding inserts_1 copia

2. go to the opening on the back of the diaper and insert the rectangle to the bottom. while remove his hand from inside the system insert with your hand so that it is fairly flat. (Although the drawings, it is advisable to fold the velcro on the wings on himself for not doing it to attack other parts of the diaper and / or insert, as is done during the wash.)

folding inserts_2 copia 3. the insert will probably remain a bit 'out of the opening. then take each side of the diaper and pull with your hands slightly.

folding inserts_3 copia

4. still holding the diaper with your hands, stop pulling. the insert will be pulled from just inside the diaper properly without coming out.

folding inserts_4 copia

come si lavano gli inserti cucicucicoo?

è semplicissimo…quando il pannolino è sporco, si toglie l’inserto dall’interno, si mette dove si mettono tutti i pannolini sporchi, e si lava insieme a tutti i pannolini. non potrebbe essere più facile! (per le informazioni dettagliate sull’uso e il lavaggio dei pannolini, guardate qui .)

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco Opening On 2010

the beauty of being a mother

sto passando un periodo difficile con mia figlia. sta trascorrendo una fase molto disubbidiente e si sta comportando in generale in modo un po’ strano. sto cominciando ad impazzirmi con la situazione e a dubitare le mie capacità, ma poi vengono quei momenti che make me break out the heart of an intense love. and this is one of those moments.

anyone know how good parent when his son became fond of his account of something that already passionate about the parent. has for some time that my daughter really like poking my entire collection of fabrics and expressing the desire to learn to sew too.

I keep the bags full of scraps of fabric left from my other projects stitched quilt projects (like this pillow , only now I see that you have misspelled in the original post ... oops!) Or to recycle. my sofia often digs into these envelopes and find "covers," "Clothes" or anything between these pieces to use with his toys. reminds me that I really do not need some kind of toys for children, just what is around and a little 'imagination and creativity. (Often poking between my board full of recovered items for other projects, such as bottle caps, tetra, garlic nets, etc., and we play with content.)

lately I sewed different sets of nursing pads for my shop , which are conical. sofia when he found the triangles left over from making this form is being waged for days! What a beautiful mats and baby he's done! I'm proud of what little head of my dear ... the heart is unable to contain the love I feel for you right now!

ps as you can see in the picture above, the case-bottle last year are still in use!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Polaris Snowmobile Headlight Wiring Diagrams

maternity pants do-it-yourself

when I was pregnant with my daughter, I had to buy (or use) a lot of maternity clothes because I gave birth to the summer and used many sarong type skirts under the belly (which has always been high) and I did not care the least to let go off a bit ' belly of the normal t-shirts. This time I give birth in late December, so I guess that will not go out sarongs and bellies as well. not so much one will have to find some solution covering.

then, I had to do something with my maternity jeans from my first pregnancy, that I will need very often. some designer prenatal chain has combined a disaster with these jeans (although I have another their pants which is handy). apart from the fact that go far, far too high both in front and behind that the horse is a bit 'strange (not shown in this photo), they put that kind of elastic with buttons that you can gradually expand to the belly grows. only that the elastic is too tight and it was folded in, leaving me with a rubber band 1 cm wide that even tries to hold onto a pair of trousers in one of the widest part of the belly. traveling only a meter already beginning to decline. made me go crazy and I had to fix the problem.

luckily, I had seen many tutorials on the web about how to change my pants with a little normal 'on a jersey or a shirt and an old rubber band off. are wonderful and very easy to do. For example, here , here, here , here, here , here and here . but I did not own to use another rubber band that could always make the same order as in my jeans, folded, and so I followed more or less that other tutorial without elastic, with some modifications.

1. is a t-shirt jersey that you do not need more. I chose the one that was polyester (so bad it was made very soon) and too short. remove the edge stitched bottom and then makes a cut under his armpits.

2. striped t-shirt inside out, cut a strip one side (preferably from the label side) and sew again. serger machine is perfect for this project, but you can also use a normal machine with zig zag and a needle tip with the ball (the jersey). bend the strip in half (as pictured below) and test around the belly. the rather narrow because it will want to hold up the pants. the first time I went too wide, so I cut it even closer. I should make it even closer, to tell the truth, but does nothing.

3. when it is close enough for the belly, fold in half with the good side out. I passed back into the machine serger to keep the edges together to the next part, but it is not necessary. you have something like a circle of two layers of jersey.

4. ora il pantalone. prendi qualunque pantalone che hai che non ti servirà più quando avrai di nuovo il tuo profilo normale e togli la parte superiore. bisognerà tagliare abbastanza in basso davanti e togliere lo zip se c’è. per questo, vi consiglio di guardare le foto nei tutorial che ho già segnalato sopra perché, avendo un jeans già premaman, l’ho tagliato in modo diverso e lo zip è finto (e anche le tasche, una cosa che mi dà molto fastidio!). anche se, mi sono resa conto dopo che dovevo tagliare ancora più in basso davanti nonostante fosse già un modello premaman, quindi ho tolto quello che avevo cucito e l’ho abbassato ancora (ma non ho fatto la foto the final cut). then try the pants. should be a bit 'under the belly. if he does so, it cuts lie ahead.

5. puts on his pants and jersey inside the circle is matching the cut edges / of the two fabrics sewn. is a bit 'annoying because the pants will be much larger than the jersey, but pulls the jersey in order to determine the fabric with pins at regular intervals.

6. then sew it all together. again, but I used overlock machine, but you can do with a normal sewing machine. curl is a bit ', but no matter.

7. Board to be a zig zag (or serger) along the edges of the cloth to keep them together and so as not to unravel the fabric of the pants (not unravel the jersey). then to make it more durable, I did the right point just below.

8. pulls on the jersey, and you're done!

can carry with them the jersey up to give support to the belly ...

... or as I prefer, dropped the jersey. much better than jeans before!

normally cover the range of maternity shirts jersey, but if they do not, however, gives the effect of a kind belt scarf or something. I have used my jeans altered several times and I am very happy!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stomach Virus And Diaper Rash

rated: bring the band and rolling

I wrote in July on contest the equations take the children with the band and other media. and now it's up to us to vote by the finalists. if you look on their site, there are several very nice photos with the theme of bringing the children on holiday. I have already voted, but still does not reveal to which photo! and you?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Funny Confidentiality Clause

obama stone

not normally write about controversial things, like the religion or politics here but sometimes I have very firm views because I do not think the case and has never been my goal to do so. but I just read the interview with Rolling Stone to obama and I will if I wanted to point that there is someone who reads English and cares.

most U.S. citizens are very proud of it, but let's say that I do not always have been. In fact, when I moved to Italy in 2001, often said to people that I knew I'd never seen (and who did not care so much about telling the whole truth) to be Canadian to avoid feeling all that thought on politics U.S.. and also because I was ashamed to be associated with the choices made by my country.

fortunately, since there is obama, everything is different and I feel proud to be one of the many Americans who elected. I regret very much when it is criticized for not yet having combined as much as they had promised, because it does not. is doing some incredible things that honestly did not think possible in these years, and I'm pretty sure it will still much.

however, I wanted to point out this interview because you understand very well what is an intelligent and capable leader, not to speak of his humanity and sympathy (made me laugh know that he'd love to wear socks with colored stripes, as a port, if I were not president!). and that's it! do not worry, I'm not gonna bother with politics! Good Sunday!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

How To Sign Up For Nasza-klasa

già natale?!

yes, I'm already thinking about Christmas. I usually start thinking about gifts to December 20, but not this year! because my little one, in theory, make his arrival on Dec. 30, I prefer to make it right for once before.

I made this necklace with the needles, cotton yarn and beads in a short time. I found the project in the book 101 designer yarn stash wonders and was the first project Grilled who have never been able to do that is not a rectangle. what satisfaction! so I thought it might be a welcome gift by many people at Christmas. who do you think? I also thought that this year I'll give to my daughter's teachers of the coaster with the paper board (like the ones I sent to maria for swap). for others, I have not decided yet. I saw it for sale alessia the schema for a very nice basket portattutto that would love to different people, but I can not do crochet. But I would like to learn the lessons of crochet with alessia same. Let's see if I can in time. I doubt it!

I'm also thinking of another thing: the gift packages. never buy paper for gifts, but use only the parts that have already been used or that remain for us in the festivities and gather around. I have a rather large collection of cards by doing so. but I'm thinking of beginning to do or give (as part of a gift) the furoshiki, to try to sensitize the people who are close to the waste of gift cards. it is a Japanese technique: a simple square of fabric that folds in different ways to create very beautiful and also environmentally friendly packages, seeing as you reuse many times. To find out more, you can read here and here (or in many other places). good idea, is not it?!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mendocino Head Office

da bici a borsa

finally! You know when you want to do a project for a long time, but do not do that? My husband was asking me a messenger bag, shoulder bag that kind of flat rectangular shape, for a long time, but I never knew what fabric to use. Then he realized he would need a smaller version of the messenger bag to carry only your wallet, keys, phone, etc.. I showed him my clothes and even chose what she wanted for her purse. but do not yet cucivo this bag. are of the opinion that if you do not like to create one thing, there's a reason. In this case, because I had to sew the bag of my husband from an old bicycle inner tube.

had seen a number of projects made with inner tubes, but I was a bit 'scared because it made her look like a very complicated (and also something that is broken sewing machine needles).

however, was not at all like that. Certainly, it was not like sewing cotton and sometimes my car jumped the points, but overall it went well. the only problem was the fact that I had never sewn a bag and I did so in a way that was not the smartest. but that's another story that we tell!

then, what? Take an old inner tube and open it with scissors in order to have a long rectangular piece. Then you'll want to wash with soap and water because they are filled with a white powder (and zozzose in general). is useless to try to remove the fold of the room, because you can not (I tried!). So it seems my bag into strips. and then ... it does everything you want! I used the zig zag to combine the pieces to make a wider and then sewing the sides.

I used one tube for the bag and then I wanted to use another for the crash when I remembered something. Last year, when we scrapped our poor scassetta, I determined that I wanted seat belts and I had cut. then the collapse is an old seat belt.

are quite happy with the result. objects completely recycled, my husband has a perfect bag for your needs that is absolutely unique. seems almost like a kind of skin. the next thing I would do ... a wallet made from inner tubes. We'll see!