Sunday, October 24, 2010

South African Driver License Template

jewelry melon seeds

when I saw these necklaces , I fell in love Now! I found the blog of maya (and series) with that of neat . I told myself that I could not try it myself.

is very simple: just remove the seeds from a melon (I used the melon with yellow skin), wash with a little 'soap or liquid dish soap and dry them. then stain as you like. I really liked the effect of those maya coloring only half of each seed and leaving some without color. I also put some unpainted wooden beads (some of which I colored). I wanted to copy the effect of Maya with large beads, but I could not find them. sinned did not turn out like her beautiful necklaces. to do it, I used a needle and thread transparent. Then I got the idea to make a bracelet, which I think is fine without the large beads.

maya wrote that in the past used the nail polish to color the seeds, but now that does not have much time, using markers. so I tried both methods. those are orange with purple enamel and those with a permanent marker (the much loved sharpies). In fact, with the marker will be much faster because you can color the seeds and beads all at once. with enamel, however, must be done first on one side, have them dry, and then the other side. I had to use pliers to hold them while preparations. and with these tiny beads was disaster with half the glaze. then after a while 'time, the enamel begins to become very dense and difficult to use. (I've heard in the past for a way to make the glaze more fluid again became dense, but I do not remember how. Some of you know how?) ***

next note: maya wrote me that one way much easier to paint the beads with small enamel is to put them on toothpicks inficcati in a cork (or I would do in a piece of polystyrene). I'll try it next time!

*** Note *** successiva #2: ho fatto una collana nuova e ho provato l’idea con il polistirolo !***

ma alla fine, ho preferito il metodo con lo smalto perché il colore è più brillante e dà un effetto più bello, secondo me. in più, ho scoperto dopo qualche giorno di uso che il colore dai semi e le perline colorati con il pennarello permanente è cominciato a passare anche ai semi e perline senza colore. evidentemente, non si assorbe mai completamente. non so se è un difetto delle pennarelle che ho usato io, ma ora vorrei rifare quella collana con lo smalto viola. poi ho pensato che si potrebbero fare anche dei bei orecchini con i semi. forse li farò quando rifaccio la collana viola…

then, thank you again maya you for sharing this wonderful idea! I recommend you go see her blog . as well as many ideas for natural jewels, make many beautiful things.

Last Revised: November 22, 2010


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