Thursday, October 28, 2010

Long Play Woman Masterbation

diapers, diapers, diapers!

after months (years?) Who kept saying that I would put up for sale online, cucicucicoo diapers are finally ready for sale in my online store Misshobby . currently produces two types of diapers: the AIO (All-in-one) and pocket (pocket). The first type is very similar structure and use of disposable diapers, and very easy to use. the pocket, however, need to insert a , but they are also easy to use and more versatile. To learn more about the diapers, the page looks on cloth diapers.

so far had only sold the diapers in person or by specific request. as I wrote before, I attended for a period (until I got pregnant and I was too tired!) to the markets of the monthly web in the Naples area. I recently discovered photos of some of these markets where there are too, and so I wanted to share. The following are in photo gallery of the web site .

CUCICUCICOO CASTELVOLTURNO 7FEB2009 here at my desk Castelvolturno Market (EC) a cold morning in February 2010. as you can see, there sono non solo i pannolini lavabili, ma tutti i miei prodotti .

19 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma qui, invece, è il mercato grande di genuino clandestino a roma ad aprile 2010. lo so che è quasi impossibile trovarmi qui (sono in mezzo alle tre file di tende bianche), ma da una buon’idea di com’era la situazione, anche se qui si vede solo una parte delle tende e banchi presenti quel giorno.

05 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma sempre a roma, il mio banco (con la tovaglia verde) in alto.

11 RAGNATELA 18-04-10_roma 1

e di nuovo a roma, in un momento di pausa.

these two photos, however, have an album on facebook and dating back to Easter 2010, one of the days that the market has become the Vesuvius. beside me is my friend Albert (who makes a great craft beer) and my daughter.

here, again, my daughter who wears one of the hair bands that I wrote here (but worn to her, that is lowered on the front).

and enough! good day everyone!


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