Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bt Meridian System Manual


Today, 1 December, on the occasion of World Day against AIDS, more than 1,400 employees M ∙ A ∙ C Cosmetics in 30 countries around the world will support organizations related the fight for HIV / AIDS, reiterating the company's ongoing commitment towards this important cause. In Milan, the make-up artist M ∙ A ∙ C will take the field together with volunteers ANLAIDS at the mobile clinic set up in Piazza Risorgimento, where you can submit for free to test saliva (Easy Test). In addition, M A ∙ ∙ ANLAIDS C and will create a special evening, during which recommendations will be offered customized make-up to assist the Association.

M's commitment ∙ A ∙ C against AIDS is renewed every day through the sale of VIVA GLAM lipsticks and glosses, and the proceeds are donated to 100 M% to EAR C AIDS Fund, to support the fight for HIV / AIDS. Since 1994, M ∙ A ∙ C has raised more than $ 180 million thanks to which it has funded projects in over 60 countries worldwide.

"Every time one of our make-up artist sells a product VIVA GLAM contribute effectively to improving the lives of people living with HIV / AIDS and this is our greatest source of pride, "says Nancy Mahon, Senior Vice President, M ∙ A ∙ C Cosmetics and Global Executive Director of M ∙ A ∙ C AIDS Fund. "The M ∙ A ∙ C AIDS Fund is the heart and soul of M ∙ A ∙ C and commitment to this cause is deeply felt throughout the company. Our ties to the Fund creates a strong sense of belonging, as demonstrated by the low turnover in the existing M ∙ A ∙ C than other brands. It 'great to see the combined company once again in such an important day. "

"The activity of the M ∙ A ∙ C AIDS Fund is what makes me love M ∙ A ∙ C. I am very felice di donare un po’ del mio tempo a favore di questa importante causa insieme ai miei colleghi e ai volontari ANLAIDS”, Michele Magnani, Training Manager M A C Cosmetics Italia.



Today, the infection is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse large. These chances of infection are often not perceived as such and this is why people tend not to resort to testing. This attitude underlies the so-called "HIV underground", represented in Italy today by tens of thousands of people unaware of their HIV positive status and unaware responsible for most number of new infections. Once again we want to draw attention to the use of the test as a tool to know your status with the double purpose of limiting the expansion dell’epidemia e di sottoporsi alle terapie. Il 1° dicembre, in occasione della Giornata mondiale contro l’AIDS, i Volontari Mac presenzieranno l’ambulatorio mobile dove sarà offerto il test salivare (Easy Test), gratuitamente e con la più ampia garanzia di riservatezza. Nell’ambulatorio saranno costantemente presenti medici infettivologi, infermieri, tecnici e psicologi a garanzia della correttezza delle procedure e della piena aderenza alle norme vigenti per l’esecuzione del test, sotto la responsabilità delle Cliniche di Malattie Infettive dell’Azienda Ospedaliera “L. Sacco” e dell’IRCCS San Raffaele.


M A C dimostra ancora una volta la sua attenzione nei confronti delle persone che convivono con la problematica dell’HIV. Presso la sede di ANLAIDS si terrà la seconda edizione di Modelle per una sera , una serata speciale dedicata agli assistiti dell’associazione. I migliori venditori dei prodotti Viva Glam in Italia saranno a disposizione di tutti i partecipanti, offrendo applicazioni di make-up e consigli personalizzati al fine di migliorare il loro benessere psico-fisico.

Il M·A·C AIDS Fund, anima di M·A·C Cosmetics, è stato creato nel 1994 a sostegno di uomini, donne e bambini affetti da HIV/AIDS in tutto il mondo. Pioniere nella raccolta fondi a favore della lotta ad HIV/AIDS, il MAF fornisce supporto finanziario ad organizzazioni che operano in aree spesso trascurate. In qualità di maggiore organizzazione non farmaceutica donatrice in questo  campo, il MAF si impegna a mettere in clarify the link between poverty and HIV / AIDS, offering its support to different company that provides various services to people living with the disease. MAF has raised more than $ 180 million solely through the sale of Lipstick and Lipglass M EAR C VIVA GLAM, the proceeds are donated 100% to the fight against HIV and AIDS. For more information: .

The first VIVA GLAM lipstick to raise funds for the M EAR C AIDS Fund was created in 1994. In subsequent years, M EAR C Cosmetics has launched six collections of VIVA GLAM products - lipstick and lip gloss - each linked to a advertising campaign that has played a key role superstar the likes of RuPaul, KD Lang, Lil Kim, Sir Elton John, Mary J. Blige, Shirley Manson, Linda Evangelista, Boy George, Christina Aguilera, Missy Elliott, Pamela Anderson, Lisa Marie Presley, Debbie Harry and, more recently, Eve, Dita Von Teese and Fergie.

KIDS HELPING KIDS greeting cards
To counter the impact of HIV / AIDS on children, the M EAR C AIDS Fund Kids Helping Kids has created , a collection Christmas cards designed by children affected by HIV / AIDS. Tickets are available during the Christmas period in all the counters M EAR C in the world. Proceeds from sales help to fund organizations active in pediatric fight against HIV / AIDS.

"M EAR C Good Spirits Make-up" is a program that is to offer advice and beauty products to people
HIV in order to help them improve their appearance but also to feel better about themselves and relationships with others. The Make-up Artist M EAR C Cosmetics offer their expertise to teach to minimize the effects the administration of certain drugs and treatments. These free consultations are aimed mainly at membri di organizzazioni legate ad AIDS/HIV. Vengono inoltre tenuti interventi durante conferenze sul tema AIDS in tutti gli Stati Uniti.

Fondato da M·A·C Cosmetics nel 1994
Fondi raccolti: oltre 180 milioni di dollari
Oltre 11 milioni di rossetti VIVA GLAM venduti in tutto il mondo
Il fondo opera a favore di organizzazioni attive in 67 paesi
Per ulteriori informazioni:

Vi ricordo che un rossetto Viva Glam is equivalent to:

8 hot meals,
a visit with dietician / nutritionist,
2 packages of food a long shelf-
printing of 15 copies of the "Tips for eating well with HIV / AIDS",
food supplies for two weeks for two patients (about 4 bags of food), 5
complete and balanced meals delivered to homes,
5 snack of milk, fresh fruit, yogurt and bread,
guarantee of 50% of daily consumption fruit and vegetables recommended for 3 people per week, 15 minutes
a visit with a nutritionist with the included tests to identify the presence of biochemical influences that may affect AIDS
purchase of 14 tests to monitor the level of glucose in the blood,
fuel needed for the delivery of 37 meals, 10 meals
comply with the diet prescribed by the nutritionist.



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