Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pharmaceutical Calculations By Ansel And Stoklosa


thank once again the influence that forces me home today I felt like something ... red! Maybe I feel the Christmas air, or maybe I've just some problems, much more plausible hypothesis!

I had not tried the red pigment Madina and even the glitter dello stesso colore, quindi ho fatto un esperimento usandoli entrambi, il primo come sfumatura, il secondo nella rima inferiore, ma lo vedrete nelle immagini!

Ecco cosa ho combinato oggi:

La lista della spesa:

Mac Paint pot in Soft ochre

Mac e/s in Carbon
Mac e/s in Sketch
Mac e/s in All that glitters
Madina instant glow nr.10
Madina instant glitter nr.01

Mac pencil Feline
Urban Decay 24 / 7 liner in 1999

Mascara Maybelline eyelashes
Essence clear mascara or eyebrow gel
Snow Makeup makeup for Dew

Sigma SS239
Mac 217
Loew Cornell 239 style miniature

I started to apply the color from the base of the lashes, from the darkest to the lightest to rise, and then order in Carbon, then sprinkle with Sketch, the pigment Madina and then under the eyebrows All That Glitters. To do this I used a brush rather flat (239 style of Mac) I used to fade and the holy Mac now 217 of the rhyme below I applied for the first pencil from Urban Decay 1999, I applied over the base of Snow Dew for makeup and makeup on, to make it adhere well, the red glitter Madina, all helping me with a tiny brush. Finally, I applied the pencil in Feline lower internal rhyme, mascara and clear gel to fix his eyebrows!

The glitter does not see that much, however, guarantee that there is also alive and well visible, which is what I like best! Maybe this look will show off for Christmas dinner!
And they all lived happily ever after * * bells ringing !


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