Saturday, December 4, 2010

How Much Money Do You Get For Recycling

gifts made by children: the portrait

quando ho visto questo progetto nel libro handmade home di amanda blake soule , sapevo di doverlo assolutamente fare con mia figlia per regali. si trattano di segnalibri fatti con scarti di tessuti. il bambino disegna il ritratto del destinatario e l’adulto ci ricama sopra e cuce il tutto. qui sopra si vedono quelli che ha fatto di me (sinistra) e di mio marito “daddy” (destra). ne sto facendo parecchi di questi segnalibri per regali di natale da mia figlia, ma faccio vedere pochi per non rovinare la sorpresa agli altri! è un bel progetto perché il bambino può disegnare quello che vuole e scegliere i pezzi di tessuto, il colore del filo da ricamo e il nastro che spunta fuori. come si fanno?

1. scegli il tessuto. io ho usato pezzi di lino avanzati da due progetti ( le lenzuola con gli angoli e il copripiumino ) e poi dei pezzi di lino colorato per il retro rimasto dai tovagliolini lavabili che ho fatto per un’amica. stira il tessuto (evidentemente non l’ho fatto molto bene per il pezzo in questa foto) e attaccalo ad un tavolo con lo scotch di carta, delimitando lo spazio dove vorresti il disegno. di solito ho fatto alto circa 20 cm e largo circa 9 cm, ma alla fine sono venuti tutti un po’ diversi.

2. fa disegnare il bambino with a marker for tissue that is washed with water (I find this very well with ) inside the rectangle of scotch. then remove the tape. in design to the right you see strange spots. are things that did not like my daughter after you draw it that I deleted immediately with a little water.

3. embroiders over the design, using the rim to hold the fabric. if you like, embroider the name or initials with the year on the back of the piece, again with the circle.

5. delibile washes away the crayon, dry and iron the fabric. (Again, we see that when I should not ironed!) Marks on the back Embroidered picture of where you would like to sew, then the final size. Put the piece with the design on the backside, with the good side inside, and pin.

6. Here are the pieces stapled from the back.

7. sew along the rectangle that you drew, leaving a gap at the top. then cuts the fabric and cut most of the triangles at the corners to turn them better.

8. turn the fabric and press the corners and sides from the inside with a madman or something like that. turn the edges of space left to the inside and press. (This time you should absolutely iron!) I do not know if it was necessary but I have ironed out with a clean cloth embroidered over the parts I did not know if it would happen without something bad. then insert a piece of tape folded in half in space and close with a pin.

9. sew all around to close the space and keep everything as flat. here is the detail of the back where I stitched the initial year.

10. Put them in use, or give her the lucky recipients!

since I'm not very good with embroidery, I put a lot 'of time to do so bookmarks. then gave me a bit 'of annoyance in the end, what you see is the work of embroidery that makes the adult, not the original design of the child. I thought a bit '...

I did not like the result of making a plan with a permanent marker because the ink is too absorbed by the fabric and the design is not very clear (at least not that I used on linen ).

then I thought that the child would directly pitted. I decided against the colors for the fabrics (which I used here ) because they are better if we let it go a second time, something unthinkable for a child. and then probably there will never need to wash your bookmarks, then did not seem so important. Instead I chose acrylics. my way of doing the least ecological pitted my daughter is to use a large container of yogurt to water, a rag to clean the brush and hands, and those plastic containers from the grocery (which can not be recycled with the rest of plastic) for the colors.

the only change I made in the procedure above (except, of course, embroidery) was Pitt the name and year on the back until the end, after all the sewing.

even these are very nice and it takes much less time to do it. for a child, it is very difficult to make a portrait with painting on fabric, and then my daughter has only made the drawings as she likes, very abstract and often mixing colors. obviously have a completely different effect, but I like the same.

which type you prefer?


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