Monday, March 14, 2011

Qualifications To Get Accepted By Unc

Review & Swatches : EYESHADOWS DUO Essence 0.99€

Duo eyeshadows
These shadows had gone out of print for some time, replaced by the new packaging that you can see in this article
Among the products on offer, are still in my part and I decided then to show them.
General Features:
Price: 0.99 €
Quantity : 3.5 g
Deadline: 24M
The pods are the size of the mono eye shadow and have a diameter of about 36mm.
The wafer has a decoration of small bubbles staggered.
The colors that I purchased are, from right,
the num.08 Boogie Night and num.11 Very Flirty
Both the eye shadow, just purchased, had a kind of halo that glittered with the use went largely lost.
The first gold has a very bright and full of reflections and an orange with golden highlights.
The second presents both a white and a blue pearl.

The texture is slightly dusty but very soft.
The stick well to the eyelid and eye shadow, apply a primer, have a good time.
the writing effect is quite good.

NB: The views expressed are personal.
The products presented were purchased by me and
have not been paid for achieving this Review

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Draw String Bags Singapore

Sleek Contest "Carnival Look" POMEGRANATE

The blog is in the contest held by Sleek make-up Italy on Facebook.
The theme was a mask for Carnival to be carried out entirely with products Sleek.
The idea from which game? ... A Pomegranate ^ _ ^
Below I leave the explanation of the various steps and remember, if you like You can vote by putting "I Like "the following link:
The video made
The Facebook page of Sleek

I products used are:
-Palette Sleek SUNSET
-Sleek EYE DUST in Jet Set
-red necklace
Sleek-Blush in Flushed
First I filled the eyebrows using a red pencil and dabbing it with eyeshadow palette num 2.
I reached the same color as the left eyebrow curve towards the temples.
I surrounded the top of the eyebrow with the color # 4 and I blended with the pigment jet set that I made above by adding a halo of shimmer eyeshadow num.5.
The same pigments are pushing me towards the nose and then I closed near the inner corner of the eye.
Just below the arch num.3 I applied the color and then I faded at the bottom with # 4.
Finally I applied on the upper eyelid eyeshadow num 2 in a uniform manner.
All colors have been stretched to the temples in order to obtain a homogeneous pattern.
Same thing has been reproduced symmetrically in the lower part of the eye including the cheekbone slightly.
right eye was I created a kind elongated mask to the nose and temples, using the colors num.2 num.01 as a base and a light to create shadows and depth effect.
On the face I blush applied with a brush in a non-uniform pigment faded in some jet set Flushed points with the blush.
I applied the mascara on eyelashes black and I buffered before it dries out a bit of powder eyeshadow num.05 using a brush for lashes.
On the lips instead, after applying a conditioner, I num.05 buffered eye shadow and then I applied the red beads (cut from the series)
cosmetics with glue.
the same way I glued the other applications on your face.
And this is the result ^ _ ^

I hope you like it:) to see the whole video you can visit the channel
or page Sleek Make Italy -up
on which you can also vote for it by clicking "I like" the video

'm waiting for your views and possible criticism ^ _ ^
Let me know what you think:)

Nb products in the post
are were purchased by me
and I was not contacted
to show or advertise them.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Does Low Sperm Count Mean

Review & Swatches :Duo Eye Pencil Essence "Black & White" collection

Black & White LE
taken by new acquisitions and new collections have left behind many reviews that I will propose these days, I hope at a steady pace so that I can catch up ^ _ ^
Essence Of limited collection of Black & White I have not yet talked about the duo eye pencil.
As soon as I saw the booth I was stupid ... the picture looked much bigger preview!
However, the effect of past surprise I liked the convenience of the small packaging of the product ^ _ ^
E' un matitone con due punte non temperabili molto grandi di colori differenti.

Caratteristiche Generali: 
Prezzo : 2,49€
Quantità : 2gr
Scadenza : 24M
Le punte del matitone possono essere facilmente staccate dal supporto.
La mina non è temperabile e più si va verso la base, più il diametro si allarga.

Mentre la parte bianca è piuttosto shimmer, quella nera non presenta evidenti perlescenze.
Scrivono entrambe molto bene sia all'interno che all'esterno dell'occhio. 
Applicate però nella rima interna non hanno una durata molto soddisfacente.
Sono l'ideale come base sopra alla quale applicare un ombretto, lo intensificano e lo fanno durare più a lungo.

Lati Positivi : uso come base
Lati Negativi : duration in the internal rhyme

NB: The views expressed are personal.
The products presented were purchased by me and
have not been paid for achieving this Review

How Does Someone Look With Turner Syndrome


Hi girls!
After some requests, and various thoughts raised by doubts and uncertainties ....
I decided to open a You Tube channel ....^_^
As you can see is still in its infancy and will be soon made changes and improvements.
I just have to take some out and see how it works:)
I do not know how to handle the video.
Surely the Blog will remain my main point of reference for review and swatches of the products.
whether I start doing tutorials because, to be honest, I'm a bit shy to speak in front of a camera!
Certainly, however, will be posted video of the photo made, photo contests and video tutorials.
Then in time ... you'll see:)

When you find the video on the channel with which I am participating in the contest Sleek Make-up Italy on Facebook .
soon put on the blog also photos of the various stages of completion and a short explanation of the various steps.
If you like you can vote for subscribing to page

expect to have your advice and opinions ^ _ ^

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Build A Horizontal Timber Slat Fence

Review & Swatches : Kajal Pencil Essence 0,99€

Kajal Pencil
What you see in this post are eye pencils that are part of the line basis of this Brand.
Their price is around € 1.49 but now, since the update, some colors are discounted at € 0.99.
I I tried them in different colors, then I leave the swatches and review ...

General Features:
Price: 1.49 € 0.99 € Discount
Quantity: 1gr
Deadline: 36M
Pencils are medium in length and are tempered.
In order from right:
12 Go Wild Green clear water pearl
13 Nightfever opaque blue
14 Hola, Chica purple pearl
17 Neon Sweetie canary yellow opaque

The colors of the pencils are really beautiful.
I have to say But that mines are not very soft so you do a little hard to write them in the eye.
also applied to the eyelids, after the establishment of a shadow, is a little difficult.
I use them to outline their eyes when they are in a hurry and do not want to put another one, so used write well and have a good time.

positives : intense colors
downsides : mine slightly hard

not fully satisfy me but I do not even have to throw.
For 99 cents I think it is worthwhile to try some color; )

NB: The views expressed are personal.
The products presented were purchased by me and
have not been paid to carry out this review.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Domperidone Dose Pediatric

Instead, you're wrong dear Litti!


know, have disappeared completely. the beginning of the life of my little one has so far been very stormy we say .... I'll write something more forward because I did some 'research and I discovered something that might be useful to other parents.

but for now what I would write on the fly is this: I got the newsletter of the Moon The Shop (online store so many things for the period) with the news that Luciana Littizzetto talked about the moon cup on Che tempo che fa . because normally I really like his speeches, I was glad he had decided to parlarne e farne pubblicità. ma quando l’ho visto, sono rimasta malissimo. l’ha preso in giro, dicendo che non poteva essere comoda come dicono le donne e che sicuramente è stato un uomo ad inventare un attrezzo del genere. e tante risate dal pubblico in studio. (chi lo vuole vedere lo può fare qui , dal 10° minuto.)

non ho mai usato personalmente la marca moon cup, ma uso la coppetta mestruale diva cup dal 2007 (e ci ho già scritto qualcosa qui ). sono la stessa cosa, ma conosco anche tante donne che usano la marca moon cup e non ho MAI sentito dire da nessuna che è scomoda. anzi! non si sente proprio quando è inserta correttamente. ma la Littizzetto has never used, how did he know?! women have much more freedom, it costs much less than disposable products and is environmentally friendly. and then, as stated in the shop, was a woman who invented the menstrual cup .

I say this because I'm so sorry if there are women who hear about someone who normally enjoy so negative on a fantastic product and then decide not to try it their own. advice to the whole menstrual cup (and there are lots of brands, not just the ones I mentioned do), you can change your life, as it did to me and many others. seriously, not esaggero!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Hair Before And After Shower

Arguing with false eyelashes Kaleidoscopic

Today I
and fake eyelashes have had trouble understanding: I am armed with tweezers, fingers, glue, scissors, and they there, snooty and quiet to get their own way, curving and moving away. In the end I decided to show them who's boss and I got better. Of course, to win the victory we wanted:
-the loss of an eye-
loss of patience
-l 'use of many words unspeakable.

What are your relations with false eyelashes? Although passionate arguments you live, you were not even at the GF?
Having a choice, I prefer the individual tufts. Two Ciuffettino make a big difference (in Ardell this respect those of medium size are just cute!) and there is no need to take 30 drops of Lexotan them. As for the glue, the only one for now in my possession is transparent Ardell, which, unfortunately, causes me a slight burning eyes. Urge to buy the Duo!

However by then the damage is done:
(On the upper eyelid and under the eyebrow arch I used the new Snow Geisha makeup in the crease and always Kimono Snow makeup of the new collection Kawaii Japan)

with an eye less, I salute you! : D

Sample Letter For Wedding Welcome Bags

Anteprima: Bottega Verde nuova collezione BV FLOWERS

Vi presento in anteprima la nuova collezione Primavera/Estate 2011 di Bottega Verde.
Sarà un'edizione limitata e verrà presentata nei negozi ad Aprile.
Segue decisamente le tendenze del momento proponendo colori pastello e romantici packaging.
 Faranno parte dell linea sei nuovi prodotti tra cui terre, matitoni e addirittura un profumo.
But let's see in detail the items that will be presented.

Maxi earth illuminating € 16.49
Earth in two colors for a matt effect and tanning.
Formula Oil Free, Anti-aging, rich in Vitamin A and E.
Available in two shades.

Fresh Gloss Effect € 12.99
soft and creamy texture.
Colors: Pink, Bronze Powder.

Illuminating Gel for Face and Body € 9.99
Brightens and moisturizes.

Mascara Ultra stretching and Rinfoltente € 13.99
Available in black or blue

Eyeshadow Pencil € 10.99
Da sfumare sugli occhi.
Disponibile in Blu notte, Turchese e Lilla glitterato

Eau De Toilette 16,99€
Essenza avvolgente e delicatamente agrumata. 

Verranno lanciati davvero dei prodotti interessanti...
non vedo l'ora di provarla dal vivo!
A voi cosa incuriosisce?

NB.L 'use of the photos and spread the news have been authorized directly by Bottega Verde.