Friday, March 4, 2011

Cost Of Viral Load Hepatitis B Test

Review COLLA DUO Surgical Adhesive per ciglia finte

Surgical Adhesive
I think it's important for those who use false eyelashes from the estate to find a good glue!
eyelashes falling off suddenly, half are not really a good show.
perfect adhesive My search was long and tiring.
spend 10 € for a glue it really seemed like too much but I did not want to risk using that supplied as the cliché of their expiry.
I initially focused on specific products for eyelashes that I found in perfumes as Sephora, the Gardenia etc. ...
The prices were very cheap
(4.90 € for about 7ml tubes)
but the performance was not good at all.
is Enough .. but for a few hours!
Then in the end I rationalized it all and I made two accounts ...
the end should spend more and go on the safe side ... and then 14mlx11 are more convenient than 7mlx5 € €!
I finally convinced and
I bought from the famous Mac glue Duo ...
Non mi sono pentita!

Caratteristiche Generali:
Prezzo : 11,50€ circa 
Quantità : 14 gr
 Il prodotto è contenuto all'interno di un tubetto con erogatore ad imbuto rovesciato. A mio avviso, l'apertura per far uscire la colla presenta un diametro troppo grande e quindi è un pò difficoltoso dosare bene la quantità di colla da stendere sulle ciglia...Problema risolvibile comunque con a bit of practice!
The version I have is I bought the white one ... There is also a black version, in Italy, according to the committed, hard to find.

How to use: it extends a small amount of product on the edge of the eyelashes.
You wait a minute that the glue begins to thicken.
apply the lashes and settle down before his face totally taken.
Once the glue is completely asciugatasi becomes totally transparent.
can be easily removed using a normal cleanser.

The thing I immediately noticed is that this glue, than the others, has taken a stronger and faster.
I find the application of the lash much easier because the product is handled more easily than others.

only major defect is the smell: I think it's really sickening!
I do not know why but it reminds me of the fish ...
you succeed a sopportarlo?

Come avrete capito con questo prodotto ho risolto molti problemi quindi mi sento di consigliarvelo spassionatamente convinta che non ve ne pentirete!

Lati Positivi : presa, tenuta
Lati Negativi : odore 

Qual'è invece il vostro rapporto con le ciglia finte e i relativi prodotti correlati?
Qual'è la vostra combinazione perfetta per un look impeccabile?
waiting for your opinions!

NB: The views expressed are personal.
The products presented were purchased by me and
have not been paid to carry out this review.


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